Article 13: Freedom of expression - Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.
Article 23: Children with a disability - A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community.
We are a Unicef Rights Respecting School. The Rights Respecting School Award puts children's rights at the heart of schools in the UK.
We aim to be a safe and inspiring place to learn, where children are respected, their talents and nurtured and they are able to thrive.
The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life at Oscott Manor School and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
Oscott Manor School and our facilities
Oscott Manor School is a community special school for young people aged 11-19 with autism as their primary diagnosis and an education, health and care plan in place.
We welcome visits from prospective parents. If you would like to visit the school, please contact us on 0121 360 8222 to make an appointment. All referrals for school places should come through Birmingham special educational needs assessment and review service:
Our classrooms all have a combination of individual work stations and work tables dependent on pupil need.
Every pupil has their own work tray containing personalised resources.
Safe Space
These rooms are designed to be used by pupils who need time limited safe space outside of the classroom.
The rooms contain a punchbag for pupil use and were designed by pupils who told us what the colour and lighting should be like. Use of these rooms is restricted to those pupils whose behaviour response plans indicate that safe space is needed.
The rooms are used one person at a time and equipment is cleaned with antibacterial products between uses. The rooms are available on both floors of our new school to make sure that all pupils who need this facility can access them.
OT Gym
The Occupational Therapy (OT) gym is a space that can be booked and used by class teams as part of their curriculum and timetable and can be a vital part of a pupil's daily sensory diet and enable them to safely express emotions, practice physical skills and seek some of the sensory input they need.
It is also used as an intervention for pupils, who may choose to access the space to talk, as a means of communication of anxiety management and to safely and in a supervised way, expend se of the energy built up during a school day.
Oscott Manor School have an allotment plot at Marsh Hill. The plot has a polytunnel and access to a teaching area.
Our pupils can grow plants and flowers. They access this through their Employability option and can learn skills for life and prepare them for adulthood , learning transferrable skills.
We have a spacious, fenced playground with access to outdoor fitness equipment and peripheral seating.
Each class has use of the playground at different times to allow safe space to play.
School Kitchen
We have a cook serve kitchen and school meals are prepared on the premises by a skilled cook and assistant.
The kitchen staff are able to make reasonable adjustments to meet the dietary needs of our pupils.
We have a lovely library space that is timetabled so that all classes have access for reading sessions.
The library and also offers a quiet space for pupils to order and choose suitable books linked to their areas of interest. Pupils can use the space to read quietly at lunchtime and during guided reading sessions.
Sports Facilities
Oscott Manor School has a large gym and boys and girls changing areas.
We have a multi-use pitch, an outdoor gym area and a playground where pupils can access sport activities.
Food Room
We have a fully equipped food technology room.
Our pupils can learn a range of skills linked to nutrition and healthy eating and that prepare them for adulthood, increasing confidence and independence.
Indoor Gym
This is a large indoor space used for physical exercise.
It is used for dance, yoga, table tennis, badminton, basketball and five a side football.
Forest School
Our school has well established outdoor areas for pupil use. Facilities on-site include a bird hide, large polytunnel and an orchard.
Our pupils can grow plants and flowers and apply their knowledge of maths, science and geography. In addition to our facilities on site, we also have a school allotment locally.
Music Suite
The music suite contains a range of electronic and acoustic musical instruments and computers offering music software.
All pupils who choose music as an option are equipped with a musical instrument to take home to support the development of their skills. Music is taught in the music suite with two practice rooms for those pupils who find the main classroom difficult to access.
School Minibuses
We have added to our fleet of school minibuses thanks to DPD who have generously sponsored our new Sunshine Variety Coach.
We now have four school minibuses which can be used in the event that pupils access off-site learning venues.
Oscott Manor School in Pictures
We work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of our pupils
Should concerns arise about your child we will follow statutory guidance and local procedures set out by Birmingham Children's Trust.