Welcome to Oscott Manor School
The best interests of the child
Oscott Manor School is a community school for young people aged 11-19 with autism as their primary diagnosis and an education, health and care plan in place.
Oscott Manor School is a community school for young people aged 11-19 with autism as their primary diagnosis and an education, health and care plan in place.
We pride ourselves on our positive culture; this is a school where respect is role modelled by all staff. The result is a safe and respectful school where pupils are listened to and encouraged to express their wishes and feelings. We are proud to promote and uphold the universal rights of every child and to have achieved gold UNICEF rights respecting school status.
Our curriculum is creative, ambitious and broad and aims to develop the strengths and interests of our pupils as well as enabling independence and leading pupils towards future employability. In the U.K., only 16% of autistic adults are in full-time employment and we intend to improve upon this statistic for our cohort. We seek to provide our pupils with a combination of class based learning and real life experiences and skills that will help them to prepare for the demands of future employment; supported or independent. This includes offering accessible and inclusive employability and vocational options on and off site for all of our KS4 and KS5 pupils.
At Oscott Manor School, working in close partnership with parents and families is a crucial element of our work. Every pupil has a named key-worker who is the first point of contact between home and school and who can offer individual intervention and support where needed.
The 2023-24 academic year is an exciting time for our school community. We are building on the successful transition to a brand new school in January 2022 and have now opened a sixth form centre in nearby Ryland Road. Our curriculum has been developed to further support progression of our pupils For stability, many of our school features remain the same such as the logo, the uniform, the rules and the pupil designed safe spaces. This has helped us to maintain stability, consistency and predictability for our pupils.
Please get in touch via the contact us page if you have any queries.
Stu Evans
Timings of the School Day
Main Site (Reservoir Road)
08.30 – 15.00 Monday to Friday
Post 16 Centre (Ryland Road)
09.15 – 14.30 Monday to Friday
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
We encourage pupils to learn how to reflect on their experiences, understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions, participate in a variety of community and social settings and understand the range of different cultures within school.
School Rules
Oscott Manor School take pride in our positive culture; this is a school where respect is role modelled by all staff and pupils.
Our school rules are: Ready, Respectful and Safe.
British Values
We promote "fundamental British values" in everything we do: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
We work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of our pupils
Should concerns arise about your child we will follow statutory guidance and local procedures set out by Birmingham Children's Trust.
Our curriculum and key stages that are grouped according to a pupils ability and educational needs
Oscott Manor School currently has 11 classes across the three key Stages: KS3, KS4 and KS5. Pupils are grouped according to their ability.
Oscott Manor School provides healthy and nutritious school meals to all students, take a look at the current week 1 and week 2 menus. Pupils can also apply for free school meals.
Determination: Proposal to increase pupil places and expand Oscott Manor School onto an additional site.
Looking for something to do this spring? Bring it on Brum! are running a range of free experiences across Birmingham. From climbing and skating, there’s plenty to get involved with.
Oscott Manor School offers a wide range of support for all pupils
From handy websites to visit to encourage further learning and support to learning packs for our pupils to complete.