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Curriculum: Key Stage 5


Article 12: Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

Article 31: Leisure, play and culture - Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

We are a Unicef Rights Respecting School. The Rights Respecting School Award puts children's rights at the heart of schools in the UK.

We aim to be a safe and inspiring place to learn, where children are respected, their talents and nurtured and they are able to thrive.

The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life at Oscott Manor School and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

Key Stage 5

In Key Stage 5 (Year 12, 13 and 14), we are preparing pupils to be as independent as possible.

The curriculum builds on knowledge and skills learned in Key Stage 4 and enables positive outcomes to all pupils. We offer a wide range of accreditation routes so that all of our pupils can gain recognised qualifications. Pupils engage in offsite learning opportunities to help them build confidence and employability skills.

Note: This page is being updated with new curriculum info.

Pathway 1

Pathway 2

Pathway 3

Pathway 4

Core Subjects:

English Science


Physical Edication (Core)


Preparing for Adulthood


OCR Life and Living Skills





Physical Education (Core)

Design Technology (Food)

Related Learning


Preparing for Adulthood


Pupils across all learning pathways are given two options. Each pupil will choose one subject option and an employability option.

Option 1 Subjects:

Design and Technology

Digital Media

Land Based Studies

Health and Social Care

Option 2 Employability:

Art and Design

P.E. Sport


Religious Education and Citizenship are embedded through our assembly programme.

All pupils will be taught in class groups for the core subjects. Teaching will be adapted to meet your child’s individual needs. All pupils will be supported by staff that know them well. Pupils will access a qualification or accreditation relevant to their current academic level. They will be appropriately challenged.

The subjects listed below make up what is called the ‘Core Curriculum.’ This means that all pupils will study these subjects. These subjects are: English, mathematics, science, PSHE, careers, ICT (Computing) and physical education (no examination required).

Core subjects:

Pupils will study ALL of these subjects


Qualification / Accreditation

No. of lessons per week


Edexcel GCSE Maths or Edexcel GCSE Statistics

Edexcel Maths Functional Skills (Level 1 or 2)

Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in Maths (Entry 1, 2 or 3)



AQA GCSE English Language or AQA GCSE English Literature

AQA English Functional Skills (Level 1 or 2)

OCR R398 Entry Level in English (Entry 1, 2 or 3)



AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy

AQA Entry Level Certificate in Science (Entry Level 1, 2 or 3)

AQA Science Unit Award Scheme (UAS) Pre-Entry or Entry Level


ICT - Computing

OCR Functional Skills ICT Level 1 or 2

AQA Computing Unit Award Scheme (UAS) Pre-Entry or Entry Level


Core Physical Education




Preparing for adulthood


PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic)


Option 1: Subjects

In addition to the core subjects taught, pupils will have the opportunity to personalise their learning experiences at Oscott Manor and build upon their own interests by choosing one of the subjects listed below.

Pupils will access a qualification or accreditation relevant to their current academic level. They will have four hours (two afternoon sessions) per week to study one of the subjects listed below.

Option subjects

Pupils will study 1 of the option subjects below


Qualification / Accreditation

Class groups

No. of lessons per week






Pearson BTEC Entry Level Award in Art and Design (Entry 3)

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Art and Design

P2 and P3 & 4


Physical Education

Pearson BTEC First in Sports (Level 1 or 2)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport

P1 and P2


Option 2: Employability

Pupils will access their employability options for 5 hours a week. For our employability options, we will be completing vocational courses on our school site.

The levels of staff support for the activities will vary depending on individual needs of pupils and the number of pupils attending.


Pupils will study 1 employability option for 5 hrs per week for the academic year

Design Technology

Land Based Studies

Digital Media

Health and Social Care

Resistant Materials



Health and Social Care

Option for Pathway 1 and 2

Option for Pathway 1 and Pathway 3 & 4

Option for Pathway 2

Option for Pathway 3 & 4

Pearson BTEC Entry Level Award in Art and Design (Entry 3)

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Art and Design

Pearson BTEC Entry Level Award in Land-based Studies (Entry 3)

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Land-based Studies

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Award/ certificate/ diploma in Digital Media

Pearson BTEC Entry Level Award in Health and Social Care (Entry 3)

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate/ Diploma in Health and Social Care


We work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of our pupils

Should concerns arise about your child we will follow statutory guidance and local procedures set out by Birmingham Children's Trust.